Sticky Scroll Effect for Text and Images


Look, there are lots of ways to define development, especially in a Squarespace world. For a program that doesn’t require code, it’s easy to overlook just how much potential can be unlocked with a trained developer.

I know getting into the developments is anything but super thrilling. So, to make this as riveting as possible, I’m giving you the highlights here, without getting too in the weeds.

In this post I’m discussing sticky elements and scroll effects (please, hold your applause). This is a combo feature that can actually be achieved with like 8 lines of CSS. But, it’s also one of the most requested features from my portfolio.

The coolest part is that the sticky element seems to enter from the wings, like an actor making a grand entrance. This effect is easily customized - unlocking a whole new user experience for anyone coming to you or your clients’ sites. So, let your design mind go wild - and then book an Office Hour to implement this feature on your next project.

This post is part of a Feature Spotlight collection. It’s here to give you a deeper look into what’s possible when working with a Squarespace developer (like me!). Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to get the latest dev insights & book a DEV SESSION for your next project.


Sticky Scroll Effects for Text and Images

This feature combines foundational CSS properties and pretty recent scroll behaviors that are only supported by some internet browsers. Rache over at Squarestylist wrote the inspiration code for this feature. 10/10 because this sticky scroll effect is highly customizable and perfect for showcasing ideas, topics, and projects that you want to make quite an entrance.

Sticky Effects

When it comes to how elements are arranged on a webpage, the position property is a foundational component of web development. It might seem basic, but it alone controls the foundational behavior of how an element behaves on a responsive canvas.

Amongst the available options of position property, “sticky” has become a favorite amongst designers and developers wanting animations that play with the inherent scrolling behavior of users.

Very simply, when the position of an element is set to sticky (and given a few other perimeters), that element will visually remain in place as the page continues to scroll, seemingly independent of the sticky element.

Scroll Animations

Because sticky’s true glory is revealed when scrolling, it’s only practical to combine the effect with the fairly new CSS-based scroll animations capable on Chrome and other browsers.

Having a developer’s understanding of the browser and device capability is essential for the proper implementation of scroll effects using sticky-positioned elements.

Designer Eye

While a developer might be able to figure out how to make this super simple (and trendy) effect work, it is the designer’s eye that is capable of dreaming up the most appealing optical illusions that can set any Squarespace website apart without hacking into the mainframe (… so to speak.)

This particular sticky scrolling combo feature is highly customizable and is perfect for a visual introduction to a new idea, a big project, or simply showing a major personality that plays well across device sizes and platforms.

Squarespace and Sticky

In recent years, Squarespace has been on an absolute tear updating its editing interface to include some of the most popular and highly requested features from its staggeringly large customer base.

By far amongst Squarespace’s most intuitive and welcome features, the “pin” option found on most block settings in Fluid Engine allows users to select from a simple menu, effectively achieving sticky effects formerly only possible using CSS.

The built-in sticky (pin) capabilities baked right into Squarespace have opened doors, but when it comes to getting the oh-so-right combo effect, using some clever CSS will unlock that final boss level.

So, dear designer, let your brain go wild, then book an Office Hour with me to implement this feature right onto your Squarespace site.


Feature Spotlight



Discover what’s possible
in Squarespace

(with a lil help from your dev bestie)


Animated Elements on Collection Pages


Inline Text Effects with GIFs and Images